Service Schedule: Sundays 9am & 11am Wednesday 7:30pm

The purpose of student ministry is to nurture the spiritual lives of our students who are at the very beginning of their Christian journey. Our desire is to raise this generation to grow in Christ and spiritual maturity Discover, develop, and use their gifts for the glory of God.

Jesus said,
"Let the little children come to me.."

Matthew 19:14

More than childcare, we believe whole-heartedly that God can use our children regardless of their age.
We make it a point to empower our kids through amazing programs where they can encounter the Love of Jesus and begin to establish a relationship with Him. We are intentional about bringing programs that can be fun, yet build good character, develop their leadership, and teach them good biblical principles. All lead by trained teachers in a safe, secure environment where you can feel at peace about bringing your children. We’re excited for our future. * this is available for children from 1 - 12 years old.
Warning: We apologize in advance for how much your child will bug you to bring them back the next week! #SorryNotSorry

Make check in a breeze on Service days by filling out the form below!


The goal with this app is to keep parents connected with what their children are learning in class
and giving them ways to make their lessons stick to them throught the week!

Get The App

Frequently Asked Questions

If my child cries will you come get me?
Answer: Yes, a part of the enrollment form we ask for the parent/gardians number to be able to reach out in case you are needed. After 10 minutes of consistent crying we call parents to prevent a child going into distress.

It is my first time leaving my child elsewhere, how safe are the classrooms?
Answer: Apart from child proofing all the classroom and making sure that all activities are adequate for their age. We also do background checks on all our volunteers to ensure child saftey.